'tis the Season!

I sincerely hope that everyone reading this has just unwrapped the most precious Christmas ever and you had a great time celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ! Sometimes we get family for Christmas, sometimes we have friends and other times we just have to fly solo. I have experienced all three situations and am thankful for all each of those experiences, at least now I am. When you are approaching that moment it can get hectic; the traffic, the money, there can be a lot of distractions and we can easily neglect to take time to enjoy this special time of year and the memories you will have of this time. Hunting can be very similar, as can be any aspect of life, I suppose. Enjoy the journey my friends. I shared time Christmas eve with the voice of Realtree Outdoor's resident pastor to record a Christmas message for you. Pastor Jonathan Porter is fine man and I am thankful for the time he shares with us during such a busy time of year for him. You can find the Dr Duck Waterfowl Podcast on this website, on Spotify, iTunes, or wherever you get your duck hunting podcast type listening stuff and the best thing is, just like all the other tips and stuff we share there and on YouTube, it's free, so go grab it, enjoy and be sure to share the love with someone else, thank you.
Not only is it one of the best holidays of the year, an opportunity for you to reapply your focus on the big Man, but for most of us, we have moved past the mid point of our waterfowl season. I usually like to take a moment during Christmas break to reflect on how our season has gone, before it gets completely away from me and what needs to happen before its' close. A mid-point evaluation, if you will, to make sure I'm not spending February through September saying to myself I wish this had happened last duck season, especially this season.
Our season started strong up North and while we have had some great times shared with old friends and new, has been hit or miss as far as the mallards go here in the South. I can honestly say that minus meeting up with a few folks I have yet to see this year, we have accomplished most of what we set out to do do. I will likely use the remainder of my time this season trying to find a few of those good folks, taking in as much of this journey as I can before it is over and of course maybe find a mallard duck or two along the way. A lot like life isn't it, lots of lessons for us to be learned in the outdoors and I am thankful for that.
I spoke last blog about new hoodies coming in as we increase our inventory, you can find those on the website. Many of you have already found them, Dennis and I are super thankful for all the orders this season, we sincerely appreciate you. I am personally excited about the Dr Duck Ultimate Hoody, combining the public land statement with the logo and our trademarked "Enjoy the Journey" slogan, kind of sums it all up for me, check them out. As far as the continued bag requests come in, thank you for that, we are diligently working to have the next version complete and available by mid summer; plenty of time to get orders in before next season. Thank you again for all the interest and kind words regarding those bags, we work hard on those and know that we have a product that fills a need for the guys that really get after it and look forward to continuing to provide that gear for you. You can subscribe to the newsletter here on our website and you will get this blog, along with any other updates, including the latest information on the bags. I promise not to spam your inbox with a bunch of unnecessary stuff.
We are also planning and locking down our show season for the year right now too. Looks like we will be hanging with our Victor Pet Food family at NWTF in February and hosting a booth at Delta Waterfowl Duck Hunter's Expo in Oklahoma City on July 25-27 and the Ducks Unlimited Expo, August 1-3 in Memphis, TN. If you are making plans to visit any of those events, please come by, shake hands and let's talk ducks.
How has your season been this year? What will you be focusing on during the remainder of your time chasing ducks? Share below and again, Merry Christmas from me, Dennis and our families and safe travels!